



Good workflow/flowchart designer - enables better traceability of automation with process and ease of maintenance.
Business objects are reusable by design
Supports distributed development. True enterprise level centralized Architecture.
In built reporting module with lowest level of granularity and strong analytical engine.
Detailed transaction log available
Supports Role based access control, Active Directory (AD) integration
Tool can get Control room data through query
Centralized secured credential storage and HIPPA, PCI compliant security standard.
Ability to provide BP components as web service - provide greater flexibility in designing enterprise level solution.
Runtime execution is fast, but slower than AA
Good all-round functionality with a proven track record of deployment at many enterprises
OCR support (Tesseract)

“Record and Play” feature not available
Windows 10 not supported
Limited browser support beyond IE
Version control management tool not available
Product Licence is costly. Need to have minimum licences.
Windows based control room as opposed to web based control room from compatatiors.
Mainly used for Backoffice (unassisted automation). RDA / assisted automation is supported through surface automation (double check) using events like button click event.

核心组件Blue Prism:
Process studio
Object studio
Control room
System manager and Release manager
Application Modeller

Great RPA tool for both RDA and RPA. RDA is assisted automation where Agent an Bot work together. It requires a design of user interface.
Integrated with Visual studio and great if you have DotNet/C# experience.
Framework components like Logging, runtime configuration (read dynamic values from xml) can be built as C# DLL / custom conrols and import it to openspan studio.
Text adapter/Emulator for mainframe support
TFS integration

Non Visual studio .Net developers find it difficult.
Localized credential staorage in flat file.
Inbuilt work queues not available

Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) support by adding windows forms
Adapters (Web, Desktop, Text and Citrix)
Global Container, Activities and Interaction manager to pass data back and forth between projects
Entry and Exit points

“Record and Play” feature available making development easy and faster
Supports MODI, TOCR and external OCR Engines (Accuracy is very good)
Built in Software version control (SVN) available
Centralized web based dash board for runtime Bot monitoring
Good analytical feature plug-in (Bot Insight) for business and operational data
Metabot feature available to integrate DLLs, create re-usable components and perform offline development
Supports Role based access control
Ease of deployment. Offers flexibility and ease of doing business
Runtime execution is fast
Desktop automation as well as enterprise capabilities
Web based control room that allows to access it from mobile

Inbuilt work queues not available
AA has localized credential staorage in flat file. Credential vault is not secured for users
Need minimum programming experience
AA only has task level reporting capability
AA has procedural approach towards exposing AA components.
AA fails to create a complete Virtual workforce concept by not allowing to share same workstation with Agent/user.
Exposing web service not supported in AA
Limited features for data driven backend operations, compare to its competators. For ex, excel automation or file automation.

核心组件 AA
TaskBot - Basic Automation License, used to automate rule based transactional processes
MetaBot - Advanced features for large deployments, Offline app automation and consuming objects.
IQBot - For Cognitive RPA.
BotFarm - For cloud deployment
BotInsight - For business and operational analytics

Has robust workflow designer and recording feature
Efficient image recognition
Feature available to record Citrix processes
Business objects are re-usable (Sequences, flowcharts)
Native support to OCR and various Cloud options (Average accuracy)
In-built software version control (TFS, SVN)
Supports Role based access control
Elastic search / indexer server available for operational and historical data of the robots
Multi-tenancy – you can separate control room into several areas e.g. per department or DEV and QA
Supports both front and back office automation

Overall runtime performance is slow
Requires 8 GB RAM
Java code not supported whereas VBA, C# are supported
Able to extract PDF data but extracting tabular data from PDF is lengthy process

核心组件 UiPath:
UiPath robots - Enterprise ready Front and Back office robot
UiPath Studio -
UiPath Orchestrator - Enables the Orchestration and management of thousands of robots from a single command centre





某互联网公司高管的话:请咨询公司实施,咨询公司最后剩下的作用只是出个报告。 ​​​​

……还是要把很多日常事务的核查、处理流程等自动化,不为什么,就因为我太讨厌重复劳动了,内存有限也懒得去记约会日程orz……让机器工作吧,我去看书了 ​






数字化转型的核心本质就是:数字模型为纽带,数字化技术为支撑,实现产品和商业流程的自动化和智能化。由卖产品到卖服务,通过对产品进行数字化的全生命周期管理,发掘新的商业模式,围绕产品生命周期的“数字化服务”即云服务成为企业的基本商业模式。 ​

企业的智能化提升是路径而不是目的,前三步:流程标准化-管控信息化-人机自动化,智能化涵盖其中,主要是指体系中的运算、模拟、判断的能力。 ​

自动化 算法 就是模拟人固有的操作流程,通用的将被自动化,特殊的还是需要人工处理。只是通过网页平面自动化扩大到机器人实体,从二维到三维空间。 ​

跑了一下午数据最后报表崩溃了。气死了,回家吃饭!有时候真的想从这种毫无意义的数据整理的工作脱离出来,可是每天都忙的没时间怎么去想提升工作效率,哪些工作流程可以标准化和自动化的[挖鼻][挖鼻][挖鼻]陷入一种疲于奔命的工作状态只会让自己的工作效率越来越低[晕][晕][晕] ​